It is a beautiful Sunday morning here in C-town and we hope to see a victory on the gridiron this afternoon from The Browns against the dreaded Ravens. Congrats to C.C. Sabathia on his career victory 100 this week -- we are looking forward to next week's American League Division Series Playoffs (!!) with the Tribe squaring away against the most unholy of franchises. . .the Yankees (beh).
Not much else to report for now. . .HOWEVER, some super good shows coming this week at The Grog: Bishop Allen with John Vanderslice , Bears with Jesca Hoop and Matt Pond PA, Earlimart and The Office. Sadly, no Pipettes because their show at The Beachland was postponed due to VISA problems :(
Speaking of The Beachland, definitely check out this inspiring article (as well as the gallery of awesome photography, including the above picture) in the Cleveland Plain Dealer outlining the revival of the arts in Cleveland's North Collinwood neighborhood (ie - Music Saves, Grovewood Tavern, etc.)
For now, enjoy the tunes:
5. (mp3) Syme - Get & Forget Hailing from Bergen, Norway the same place as such diverse artists as Annie, Kings of Convenience, and Datarock. This band who make great psychedelic rock and combine it with lush harmonies and synths. It reminds us of Mogwai meets Stereolab.
4. (mp3) Cassette's Won't Listen - Cut Your Hair (Pavement Cover) Yet another great cover from Jason Drake who is a very talented producer, re-mixer and multi-instrumentalists. He has a new album duo out soon.
3. (mp3) Plus Move - Boss This Boston duo, ever since they had an unlicensed remix of D.A.N.C.E leaked by the BBC. They have been tearing up the blogs. Check out this track of dirty dance rock in the vein of Ed Banger type sh*t. You can check out one of their mixes here
2. (mp3) Division Day - Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode cover) Each Tuesday they have been releasing covers for free in anticipation of their new album due out next month.
1. (mp3) Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure Jose was pleasantly surprised to hear this song at B&N the other day and it was the first time either of us had heard it in over a year.