Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Deja Vu

Kelly's Review:

Regardless of the countless films I've seen that focus on random individuals, slowly revealing their connections with one another throughout the allotted 90 minutes or so -- I just can't seem to get enough. This recurring theme of interrelated characters, if done correctly, can make for a quality film (ie - 21 Grams, You and Me and Everyone We Know). However, if done wrong, the movie risks turning out painfully boring (ie - In the Bedroom, The Safety of Objects).

The movie, Heights, centers around Isabel, a young woman experiencing change in every facet of her life -- from her relationship with her distant fiance to her unfulfilling day job. Usually sleepwalking her way through life, she is confronted with issues that cannot be ignored any longer. Taking place over a 24 hour time period, Isabel finally finds herself questioning everything.

Heights has a promising plot, great acting, and tremendous cinematography -- although, fell short of my expectations. Despite an interesting balance of irony and predictability throughout the film's development, it's conclusion was simply cliche.

Watch the Trailer here

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