Friday, December 21, 2007

Films: Seen and Unseen

Recently, we have been renting movies because within past couple weeks we haven't had the opportunity to go out to the theater and check out the films that we are really looking forward to seeing like Margot At The Wedding, Atonement, I'm Not There. . .or they have already left The Cedar Lee before we could go see them. . .or they are not out here yet, like Juno.

Below are a few noteworthy films that you should rent when you prefer hibernating to hectic crowds:

The Namesake

The Hottest State



It would be a crime if we somehow failed to mention Julian Schnabel's latest film, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, which will debut in Cleveland on January 11th (yay!)

Also, be sure to check out [this NYTimes Article] which showed us just what an incredibly multi-faceted artist Julian Schnabel is (see some of his artwork here), giving us yet another reason to become *huge* advocates.

So, scratch the surface (while enticing those muted taste buds of yours) by viewing the stunning trailer below for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly:

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